The Hunter (Orion the Hunter) Page 10
“Are you insane? You cannot dictate to me what I can and can’t do, or who I can and can’t do it with and you certainly are not in a position to give me a warning.” The adrenaline was beginning to subside now but I still felt affronted. “I meant what I said. We should stay the hell away from each other.”
“I told you that I can’t.”
“And I told you to try harder.”
“I did. It obviously didn‘t work.”
I sighed in frustration. “What are you doing here, Lucas? I wouldn’t have thought that this was your scene. What with your abhorrence of socializing.” How did he even know I was here? Did he follow me?
“I was here on business,” he said simply.
“Nothing that I do is any of your business.” I groaned, suddenly feeling tired of this whole situation.
“I own this club, Issy. The manager called and asked for assistance because it got incredibly busy unexpectedly and he was short staffed and worried that we only had one bouncer on duty, just in case anything kicked off.”
“You own this bar?”
“That’s what I said.”
“Oh.” That still doesn’t explain why he muscled in on a situation that you had under control. A situation that is none of his business. “You still had no right to make a scene. Unless dancing is against house rules?”
“Don’t be facetious, Issy.”
“Well, I can understand why you came down here, Lucas. I can’t understand why you physically assaulted someone for dancing with me.”
“I didn’t assault him for dancing with you,” he said simply.
“Oh so you assaulted him for trying to kiss me? Not that it is any of your business, but I was in the process of saying no and was about to push him away when you took matters into your own hands.” I felt my anger threatening to reignite at his audacity.
“I just saw him trying to kiss you and I had to stop him. Sorry, if you had it under control.” He looked anything but sorry.
I closed my eyes, trying to comprehend what had happened. “Lucas, I don’t understand why you would assault someone for trying to kiss me.”
“I didn’t want him to kiss you,” he said, looking at me as though that was obvious.
“Why on earth not?”
“Don’t be obtuse, Issy.”
My anger returned with a vengeance and I shot up, barreled into him and hit his chests with my fists. It was like hitting a slab of rock.
He stood impassively, seemingly oblivious to my actions and it further kindled my rage.
“I don’t know what you are playing at but stay the hell away from me; I never want to lay eyes on you ever again.” I hissed up at his face.
That did it. His mask of control slipped. His jaw clenched and his blue eyes darkened swiftly and dangerously. His hand shot out and grasped the back of my head, twisting into my hair. Then he kissed me. His lips and his hands crushed me into him. I could feel his anger and I was determined not to respond. Then the nature of his kiss changed and his lips felt soft and tender against mine. The change caught me unaware and I realized that his tongue had begun to seduce the inside of my mouth, stroking my tongue lazily. I moaned and felt my resolve vanish. I responded in earnest with my own tongue and then thrust my hands into his rock star styled hair.
He broke the kiss but he did not release my lower lip. He then ran his tongue along it. I shivered. Oh my god, I bet he could make me come just by doing that.
“Lucas -”
“Shhh,” he kissed the corner of my mouth. “I like your hair. It is incredibly sexy. I think I finally know what we should do next and I am not doing it here.”
“What … Oh,” I sighed, comprehension dawning. “Is that a good idea?”
He smiled and kissed the end of my nose. “Worried about your sex ban? I won’t tell anyone.” He chuckled softly.
“No, I am more worried about afterwards. I would really like to work on your mini Dakota project, Lucas.”
“Issy, I promise you that this will make no difference to that. The contract is yours.”
“Easy to say now, you may feel differently once you have had your wicked way with me. I may feel differently about you.”
He tensed and his eyes darkened dangerously. “I just gave you my word, Issy. I do not go back on my word. I do not tell lies - ever.”
I gulped and he watched the movement of my throat and closed his eyes before continuing. “Look at how you fear me now. I actually do hope that you feel differently about me afterwards.”
“I don’t fear you, not really. I just never know where I am with you. It’s like one rough ride.”
The corner of his mouth twitched almost imperceptively. “You haven’t experienced it yet but yes, I do like it rough.”
Holy fuck! Could this man be any hotter? To hell with the contract - I can get other contracts. I will only have one night with this sex god.
He appeared to take my lack of outward response as a sign that I was still dubious. “Okay, if I don’t give you the contract which I estimate to be worth around $250,000, I will give you half a million dollars instead. You have my word.”
What? Did he just say what I think he said? I stared at him open mouthed.
“I didn’t get where I am today by throwing money away, Issy. There is no way that I would cancel your contract anyway but now that it a cast iron guarantee.”
I laughed. “You are quite, quite mad.”
“Mad for you,” he growled. “And you are wasting time. I would very much like to get you back to yours and get you naked. Now.”
Oh dear lord … I am going to have sex tonight! Seriously hot sex with a seriously hot guy!
“It would be good to get it out of the way so that we can actually have productive meetings and not re-enact this afternoon’s debacle,” I said slowly. As if I needed an excuse! It will release all the tension that has built up inside you recently. Oh, it could be so good.
“Get it out of the way?” his mouth curved in amusement.
“You know exactly what I mean! We give in to our urges tonight and then we can behave like rational human beings in future. A win, win situation.”
I licked my lips in anticipation and he growled before grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the office and through a rear fire exit. Oh no - Angel!
“I have to let my friend know that I am leaving,” I said, turning back.
“So call her.”
“No, she will worry. Come on, it will take two minutes.”
I dragged him back through the building towards the bar. When we reached the corridor, he stopped and said that he would wait for me there.
Oh, he doesn‘t want to meet Angel! Well, he doesn’t socialize, does he? Just as well, one night stands were best when they were as uncomplicated as possible. I hadn’t had chance to fill Angel in recent developments with Lucas Hunter. It would be one hell of a catch up in the morning.
I entered the bar and realized that the band had finished and were sat around a table with Angel and a few female admirers. She looked surprised to see me. “I thought that you had left with the blonde guy that you were dancing with,” she grinned.
“What’s that?” said Travis, looking hopeful. “You have ended your man ban? Come on, we’ve got some catching up to do!”
He lunged for me and threw me over his shoulder and made to walk out of the bar. I looked up and saw that Lucas was emerging from behind the bar. I couldn’t see his expression clearly but I just knew he was angry. I shook my head at Lucas and put my hand up, indicating that he should stay where he was.
“Put me down, Travis. NOW!” I shouted.
He laughed and lowered me to the floor. “Foiled again. Don’t worry, Issy. Our day will come.”
The rest of the guys were laughing but Angel was looking at me oddly. As I’d frantically looked back to see what Lucas was doing, she must have followed my gaze. I was relieved to see that he had come to a halt when Travis put my down. Phew! That could have been very awkward!r />
I turned and walked back to Angel. She was sat with her mouth hanging open. “God, Issy! That is one hell of an upgrade from the blonde.”
“Huh?” said Chad, looking from Angel to me.
I grinned. “I am leaving with him now. I just wanted you to know so that you wouldn’t worry.”
She was still staring at him. “Chad, I am staying at yours tonight, okay?”
“Nice one,” he said.
I winked at her and then turned to the guys. “Hey, you guys really rocked it tonight. You were amazing.”
Then I turned and walked back to Lucas, who still had a thunderous expression on his face.
“Relax,” I muttered. “That’s just Travis - he is just a friend. No way in hell that I would go there.”
He looked slightly pacified as we walked back through the building and through the fire door. He led me to a dark Lexus SUV and, as we neared, the driver exited and opened the rear door. As I slid along the cool leather seat, I heard Lucas give the driver my address - from memory. He got in next to me and I shivered. I don’t know whether it was because his hand was sliding up my thigh or because he knew my address. Then his mouth was on mine and all rational thoughts were banished from my mind as his expert tongue began its slow seduction of my mouth.
Read more of Issy and Lucas’ thrilling liaison in:
The Hunted – Part Two of Orion The Hunter
Available from Amazon Kindle in December 2012.
If you can’t wait, read on for a sneak preview …
Extract from The Hunted (Orion the Hunter Part Two)
Chapter 1
We fell through the door of my apartment, a tangle of limbs and tongues. My hands moved from around his neck to his chest and began to unfasten his shirt buttons. I couldn’t wait to see what his body looked like naked, although I just knew I wouldn’t be disappointed.
He walked me backwards until my legs encountered the sofa and we fell backwards, still locked together. He took the weight of us both on one arm and eased us down gradually. I momentarily felt frustrated that I couldn’t access the remainder of the buttons but I was quickly distracted by his large erection that was pressing on my crotch. Oh my god, he is even larger than I thought. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him in anticipatory glee.
He began to plant little kisses around my jaw line, then they moved down my neck to my collar bone. I arched my back, pushing out my breasts that were now desperate for attention. My hardened nipples crushed into his hard as stone chest and he made a noise in his throat that sounded like a growl. “All in good time, impatient Issy,” he murmured. That almost drove me wild - I wanted him now. He moved his head and I braced myself for his touch at my breast but instead he began trailing sweet kisses across my shoulder and down my arm. Argh, is he trying to kill me by dragging out this torture? My suspicions were confirmed when I heard a deep, throaty chuckle. Bastard! Well, we will see about that!
I placed my hands on his shoulders and pushed hard whilst bucking up against him. Because he was leaning to one side, kissing down my arm, he was off balance and he slid off the sofa and on to the floor - but not before he could throw his arm around me and drag me with him. I heard an Ooof! as I landed on his chest. Now who is in charge? I reached for the next button to continue where I had left off. As I grasped it, I looked into his face. His beautiful midnight blue eyes were regarding me with amusement. Emboldened, I rubbed my crotch against his and then stuck out my tongue. His eyes flew wide open at my childish expression. “Oh, so you think that you’re in control, do you? We will see about that!” he challenged.
He suddenly bucked and twisted, managing to move out from underneath me. He rolled over, taking me with him again so that I was once more pinned underneath him. I yelped in surprise and then glared at him indignantly. He raised an eyebrow and then stuck out his tongue. Quick as a flash, I raised my head and gently bit his tongue. He growled into my mouth and then began to kiss me with just enough roughness to drive me wild. I kissed him back just as hard and slid my hands up inside his shirt to trace those well defined muscles with my fingertips.
My head was dizzy with wanting when he released my mouth and my breaths were ragged. “Please Lucas -”
He looked into my eyes. I mean he really looked, like he was searching for something. I felt exposed, laid bare - it felt like he could read my mind, and all my innermost secrets. He placed his hands on either side of my face and tenderly pecked me on the lips. He then rolled off me and stood in one fluid, graceful movement. He held his hands out to me and pulled me up and turned around so that my back was against his chest. I leaned back into him as his hands traveled up from my hips to my bare stomach. I ran my hands around the back of him and grabbed that glorious ass and squeezed. He grazed his fingertips across my midriff and then up my sides. Again, I felt myself arching my back, trying to draw his attention to my breasts that felt heavy and swollen in the tight confines of my bustier.
He ran his palms across them so that he exerted the gentlest pressure on my nipples. Argh, more torture. I tilted my head back and raised my mouth to his neck. I stood on tiptoe to slowly lick from his collarbone to his ear. Oh, he smells and tastes so good! He stopped spun me around. “Which way is the bedroom?” he demanded gruffly. I pointed and he swooped down and picked me up in his arms. Striding across the apartment, he kicked open my door and walked across to my bed. He kissed my nose before setting me down gently on my bed.
With a lascivious grin, he walked to the bottom of my bed and swept his gaze slowly along my body from my feet, up my legs, up my body to my face. Oh my! That lingering gaze was so hot. He slowly crawled on to the bed and up my body. He then eased himself on to the bed, lying against my side so that I could feel him pressed in to me. I immediately reached out for his shirt to continue undressing him. He grabbed both of my hands in one of his and pinned them above my head. Argh, what is it with the need to be in control? I just want to get you naked!
He leaned over and kissed me with surprising tenderness. His lips felt plump and soft against mine and his tongue began to stroke mine once again. His other hand went to my breast. Finally! He cupped it and began to trace circles around my nipple with the pad of his thumb, careful not to touch the very skin that was demanding his attention. I broke our kiss and narrowed my eyes at him in frustration. Annoyingly, the corner of his mouth twitched and I knew that he was still deliberately trying to frustrate me.
“I think I have changed my mind, Mr Hunter. My sex ban shall remain in place after all,” I smiled up at him.
“Oh, we shall see about that,” he smirked as his fingertips moved down and ran across my stomach, just inside the waistband of my jeans. “I think I’ll make you beg for it.”
Want more? The Hunted (Part 2 of Orion the Hunter) will be available at the end of December 2012.